“Never Forget” on Remembrance Day

“Never Forget” on Remembrance Day

November 11th or Remembrance Day, is when we honor and remember the men and women who served Canada in times of war, military conflict and peace.



Take an Active Role and Wear a Poppy:

Wearing a poppy is a symbol that you “Never Forget” the contributions of these men and women, but you are also doing your part to donate to the Royal Canadian Legion. The money raised from donations provides financial assistance to veterans in need, funds, medical equipment, research, home services long-term care facilities and more.


It is also never too early to have children learn the importance of Remembrance Day. The activity of creating poppy crafts is a lighthearted and fun way to start teaching children about Remembrance Day. Here are a couple of craft projects that can be done at home or school:

Bubble Wrap Poppy Crafts


Check this one out to create a poppy craft using bubble wrap. Great craft activity for toddlers and younger children. Although the post indicates they create the poppy for a different occasion you can definitely do this craft activity for Remembrance Day using Seal-It™ Brand Bubble Cushion: https://ow.ly/DXJFv

Poppy Craft with Yarn and Cardboard


This craft project is a little more difficult. Children with developed motor skills can do this craft activity. Remember, to ensure the yarn stays together, use Seal-It™ Super Glue: https://ow.ly/DX6lk

Here at Bandit, we “Never Forget” the contributions of the men and women that help provide freedom and peace.